Getting to the Root of Foundation Issues

trees in yard in fall

Majestic trees in your front yard may add beauty and shade to your property, but what’s going on beneath the surface? Are the root systems damaging your home’s foundation?

Trees can bring many benefits to your property. They add to the curb appeal, and by providing shade, they can reduce your energy costs.

tree graphic

Tree roots can rob the ground of moisture and cause soil movements that will damage your home’s foundation.

How Do Roots Hurt My Foundation?

It’s rare that the roots would burst through your foundation walls, but the disruption the root system causes to the surrounding soil directly impacts your walls.

Roots rob the soil of moisture. The soil around your home is an ever-changing entity, and some soils, like clay, are particularly sensitive to the amount of moisture in the ground.

Clay soil is considered an “expansive soil” and contracts and expands depending on moisture content.

When there’s a lot of moisture in the ground, the soil swells. During dry periods – or if a tree’s root system is absorbing the moisture – the soil shrinks and contracts.

Soil movement can cause foundation movement. When your foundation no longer has a steady bed of soil to rest on, it can settle into the ground. This is when foundation cracks can form.

When the soil shrinks, gaps and voids form beneath your foundation. Space under the concrete reduces the structural integrity of your basement.

As dry soil contracts, it pulls away from your foundation walls, causing instability, cracks, and bowed or leaning walls.

It’s All About the Soil

It is a common misconception that tree roots are a direct cause of damage to the structure of a foundation.  Contrary to this belief, it is simply about the soil that surrounds the roots. The soil can be affected in a number of ways:

Clay soil: Clay soils compact rather easily, and become dense as tree roots pass through them. This causes the more densely packed soil to put pressure on nearby foundation walls.

Loose/rocky soil: This type of soil tends to move and shift causing displacement.  Tree roots move through this soil more easily as they grow, leading to pockets and voids.

Expansion/shrinkage: During heavy rains, roots expand and during drought periods they tend to shrink.  This leads to damage to the structural integrity of the soil and can directly affect your foundation.

Foundation Settlement: A Common Result of Mature Root Growth

Foundation settlement may occur when there are soil changes due to mature root growth below the structure. Changes to the soil surrounding your home in the clay or loose soil, as well as weather-related expansion and shrinkage are natural causes.  At My Foundation Repair, we can connect you with a certified foundation repair contractor.  In fact, we partner with highly qualified foundation repair companies that use industry-standard products. Our professionals can repair your home with the highest quality materials and workmanship in the industry.  Some of the solutions might include the following underpinning products:

  • Steel Piers
  • Push Piers
  • Torque Anchor Brackets
  • Porch Piers
  • Helical Piers

What if My Foundation’s Been Damaged?

Installing a root barricade in your yard can protect your foundation.

However, if the damage has already occurred, contact one of our experts for solutions to your foundation troubles.

Make trees a friend of your yard, not an enemy of your foundation.

Address All Your Foundation Problems With My Foundation Repairs Contractors

My Foundation Repairs contractors use only the best products for foundation repair, manufactured by Earth Contact Products (ECP).  You will rest easy knowing that your home’s foundation is in skillful hands with the most outstanding products to complete the job.  Contact us today. We are here to discuss your concerns and provide solutions to keep your home safe for years to come.