Foundation Repair Methods – The Good and the Bad

Understanding the positives and negatives of each foundation repair method will help with your decision when picking a foundation repair contractor. Some contractors advertise that they can put in every type of piering system whiles others concentrate on just one or two piering methods. The “jack of all trades” is usually the master of none. They generally take short cuts due to the fact that they are not thoroughly trained in each specific method. The foundation repair contractors that pick a system or two and stick with it generally can master the methods and provide a better quality job. They may not have the answer for every situation but they will generally provide better quality work on the jobs that they accept.

The next thing that you need to know is the positives and negatives of each foundation repair method. All commonly accepted methods have their place or application where they shine. Some methods–like steel push piers and helical anchors–are more adaptable to different situations, but even they have their limitations. Using the correct method for your particular application is the difference between a job well done and job that is only a temporary band aid. Make sure to discuss what repair methods your contractor believes would be best. It is smart to get multiple opinions so you can make sure you are getting the best repairs for your money.

Types of Foundation Repair Methods:

Concrete Piers: Cheap, uses skin friction, bottle jacks, and shims. Unfortunately, it has a high failure rate.

Concrete Cylinders: Cheap, uses skin friction, bottle jacks, and shims. Often has high failure rate, and used in confined spaces.

Helical Piers: Works in confined spaces, engineered lifting system, multiple bracket designs, load tested during installation, design flexibility.

Push Piers: Works in confined spaces, engineered lifting system, multiple bracket designs, load tested during installation, design flexibility.