Maryland property owners may have to deal with foundation problems or waterproofing issues. My Foundation Repairs can connect you with a professional local contractor to help keep your structure strong, safe, and dry.


There are various factors that an cause foundation issues in Maryland. The most common of these causes of foundation problems include:

  • Heaving and Settling: During freeze and thaw periods, the soil beneath and
    around the structure expands and contracts, causing the foundation to heave,
    settle, and possibly crack.
  • Hydrostatic Pressure: As the ground around your home absorbs more water, it will cause an increase in hydrostatic pressure within the soil. This pressure pushes on the foundation, leading to shifting and crack formation.
  • Erosion: Erosion from excess rain or snow melt can wash away the soil beneath your foundation, creating voids that cause foundation settlement and sinking.
  • Soil Shifting: Soil movement beneath the structure can lead to a shifting foundation or foundation settlement. This soil movement can be caused by a variety of factors, including excessive organic materials, poor soil compaction, overloading, poor drainage and waterproofing, and expansive soils.


The main foundation problems: sinking, settling, shifting, or cracking foundations are the cause of several other structural issues, including basement water issues, structural instability, and pest infestation. Settling foundations occur when the foundation sinks due to soil movement. Soil pressure can cause foundation shifting and crack formation. Common signs of foundation failure include:

  • Floor cracks
  • Sloped or uneven floors
  • Wall cracks
  • Sticking doors or windows
  • Ceiling cracks
  • Bowed or leaning walls
  • Leaning chimney
crack in ceiling sign of foundation issue


When it comes to a settling foundation, one of the most common and efficient repair methods is underpinning with foundation piers. The two main types of piers are called helical piers and steel push piers; these piers have a slight difference in installation since helical piers are screwed into the ground and steel push piers are driven into the ground. These piers are installed into the stable soils deep underground to provide support and stabilization for the structure while lifting the foundation.

Shifting foundations can cause bowing and leaning walls. These walls must be straightened by helical tiebacks or wall plate anchors. Helical tiebacks are screw-like devices that are installed from the inside of the wall to pull it back into place. Plate anchors are installed with an anchor in the ground adjacent to the wall, which is attached to the wall using a rod and plate. The rod can then be tightened to apply pressure and straighten the wall.

For solutions to take care of all of the foundation problems in your home, contact a professional foundation repair contractor; My Foundation Repairs can help put you in contact with a foundation repair expert in Maryland today.

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