The high levels of rain and snow in New Hampshire can lead to various foundation issues. It is important for the residents of New Hampshire to regularly examine their homes for signs of foundation problems and contact a repair specialist as soon as any problems are found.


There are many different factors that can cause foundation problems in New Hampshire; the most common causes are:

  • Hydrostatic Pressure: When the ground around your home is oversaturated with water, it will raise the hydrostatic pressure in the soil. This pressure puts stress on the foundation, causing it to shift and even to crack.
  • Erosion: When erosion washes away the soil beneath your foundation, it can cause the formation of voids and spaces. The foundation may then settle or sink into these voids and spaces that have formed below the concrete.
  • Poor Drainage: When the drainage system around your home does not keep water away from the foundation, that water may seep into the concrete of the foundation, weakening it and causing cracks and other forms of foundation failure.
  • Poor Soil Compaction: When the soil beneath your home is not properly packed, it may sink down under the weight of the home. This can cause the foundation to sink or settle unevenly.


Foundation problems such as a shifting, settling, cracking, or sinking foundation are quite common, and may lead to a variety of structural issues throughout the home. Shifting foundations can cause the concrete to crack, creating the perfect opportunity for water problems and pest infestations. Settling foundations can lead to an unstable home, and may cause various cracks and spaces to appear in your home. Some symptoms of foundation problems are:

  • Floor cracks
  • Sloped or uneven floors
  • Wall cracks
  • Sticking doors or windows
  • Ceiling cracks
  • Bowed or leaning walls
  • Leaning chimney
cracks in basement wall diagram


One of the most reliable repair options for sinking or settling foundations is a method called underpinning. This method involves the installation of helical piers or steel push piers to support the structure and lift and stabilize the foundation. Steel piers are driven into the load-bearing soils, while helical piers are screwed deep into the ground.

The most common solutions for shifting foundations and bowing or leaning basement walls are helical tiebacks and wall plate anchors. Helical tiebacks are screwed into the ground from the inside of the basement wall to pull the foundation back into place with lateral pressure. To install plate anchors, an anchor must first be installed in the ground adjacent to the wall. The anchor is then attached to the wall with a rod and plate, which are tightened to straighten the wall.

My Foundation Repair can help put you in contact with a professional foundation repair contractor in New Hampshire to take care of all of your foundation repair needs.

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